Chapter one
1.1 Background.
Internet, which emerged in the late 60s, has been a medium through which one can get information. It was an addition to the news broadcast such as radio, newspaper and television.
In recent times, the internet has been accessible even in the comfort of ones home through devices like Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), ipads and mobile phones. Most students particularly have been using the internet as their primary means of news. Research has indicated that the time people spend reading newspapers on a digital screen is now almost equal to the time spent reading printed paper text. (Gartner Inc., 2010). A lot of research has been done on the increased use of internet as a news source and compared to reading a newspaper. (Gartner, 2010. and Alan Reiter, 2010).
1.2 Problem Statement.
The internet has indeed served many functions as majority of young people resort to it for news and related information. The situation has affected the consumption of print news which was a major medium for the dissemination of news and information. In this regard, why do students prefer browsing internet news to print news?
1.3 Objective of the Study
General objective:
· To explain why students prefer browsing internet news to print news.
Specific Objective
· To compare the rate of browsing internet news to reading Print news
· To establish how often students get to use the internet and the consequence over the print media.
1.5 Research Question
1. Why do students browse internet news to reading print news?
2. What are the benefits of browsing internet news to print news?
1.6 Significance of the study
This research is intended to evaluate the contribution of internet news in society. The findings will also help the print media to strategize their market techniques and enhance publication. It will also reveal the amount of truth in the controversy that young people don’t read newspapers.
1.7 Scope of the study
This study will focus on reading of newspapers and internet news by students in Ghana Institute of Journalism, taking into consideration the availability of print newspapers and internet access. Also is the fact that they are student journalists and news plays very important roles in their lives. Moreover, they cut across in demographics such as age, gender, marital status, occupation, race and ethnicity.
Operational Definition of Terms.
i. Students - students in Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ).
ii. Internet – an electronic device for accessing news information.
iii. Print news- newspaper.
Chapter two
Literature Review
2.1 Theoretical framework.
This chapter focuses on theory that relates to the study. It will look at the theory, concept and related studies.
2.2 The uses and gratification theory.
This is a version of individualist functional theory and research that seeks to explain the uses of the media and the satisfaction derived from them in terms of the motives and self-perceived needs of audience members. It dates back to the 1940’s when researchers became interested in determining how people form various media habits such as news paper reading and music listening.
The theory is in relative affirmative with different media which is associated with differences of expectations and gratification sort. The theory will therefore help this study to find out the reasons of using alternative media and the specific goals and satisfactions. Mcquail, (2007)
2.3 Related works.
In New Delhi, huge majority of ipads and tablet users say they find screen reading either easier than reading printed text (52 percent or about the same 42percent). However, 47% of Laptop users find screen reading harder than reading printed text, and 33% reported it was about the same. In the fourth quarter of 2010, Nick Ingelbraecht of the Gartner incorporated research center (20100 surveyed 1569 consumers in six countries—the US, UK China, Japan, Italy and India about the subjective experience of reading on the screen versus reading printed paper text. He indicated however from his research that, print and online are not generally regarded as direct substitute by consumers, he believes that the consumer risk balking at paying twice for the same thing.
2.4 Concept
The print newspaper is a written form of information dissemination on papers. It is mostly an informative source yet the amount of information it carries pales by comparison to the internet. If we look at functional similarities alone, it means that newspaper will fail to compete with the internet. However, the use of the newspaper and the internet does not necessarily share the same physical space. Individuals can read newspaper at home but they can also do that on the bus, in the park, at the mall and many other places. Although the technology is interactive and allows the internet to be accessed at various places, it is not as flexible and cheap as compared to the newspaper; furthermore, the reading of newspaper is generally considered a positive habit which can help in honing language skills and acquiring knowledge about the world. Beentges, (,1985) and Van Der Voort, (1993).
Chapter three.
3.1 Population
The population is all GIJ students.
3.2 Sampling Method.
The sample size for this research will be sixty (60) which is assumed to represent the whole of Ghana Institute of Journalism. It will be done by choosing at least five persons from each class who will be interviewed.
3.3 Sampling technique.
The non probability sampling technique will be used since we don’t want to do random selection. The research will use purposive technique where our respondents will be picked due to their characteristics and features. This sampling is being adapted due to the researchers’ subjectivity in the selection of respondents.
Work plan and budget
This plan will be guides to enable us access our activities during the study.
This research represents the financial plan through which we will conduct our study. It covers the cost of all activities, an appendix and our sponsors. Unfortunately, this work was sponsored through personal contributions from Prince and Daniel. Therefore,
1. Review of literature - we paid for the service of the internet
2. Proposal - we bought pen drive, laptop, printing, exercise book
3. Chapter one - we bought two pens
4. Review by supervisor -
5. Chapter two - printing
6. Review by supervisor -
7. Chapter three - printing
8. Review by supervisor -
9. Pretest - research assistants, Achimota to GIJ
Activity/ item | Unit cost | Multiplying factor | Amount | Sponsor | ||||||
Browsing for information Literature review | Gh¢60.00 per hour | Gh¢60*2 - 2hours. | Gh¢1.20 | Prince and Daniel | ||||||
Transportation Achimota – GIJ Chapter 1 | Gh¢1.40 per day | Gh¢1.40*-2 days | Gh¢1.20 | Prince and Daniel | ||||||
Protest Achimota-Legon library, Legon library- Achimota | Gh¢1.20 per day | Gh¢1*20- 3days | Gh¢3.60 | Prince and Daniel | ||||||
Protest on internet access Achimota – GIJ, GIJ – Achimota | Gh¢1.40 per day | Gh¢1.40 - a day | Gh¢1.40 | Prince and Daniel | ||||||
Data collection Ghana Library and University of Ghana. | Gh¢5.00 | Gh¢5*1*30days | Gh¢150.00 | Prince and Daniel | ||||||
Personnel/perdiem | Gh¢5.00 | Gh¢10*2*10months | Gh¢200.00 | Prince and Daniel | ||||||
Stationary and supplies Two pens, pen drive, laptop, exercise book, Printing | Gh¢ 0.50- pen 3.00 -Exercise book 700.00- laptop 25.00- 4Gb pen drive 0.20-printing | Gh¢ 0.50*2 – 2 pieces 3.00*1 – 1copy 700.00*1- 1copy 25.00*1- 1 copy 0.20*10 – 10 pages | Gh¢738.00 | Prince and Daniel | ||||||