POLICE HOSPITAL MORTUARY
The state of the Regional Police headquarters Hospital mortuary at Danquah circle is very pathetic.

I was very terrified to notice the number of unidentified bodies packed in a single fridge like mutilated human dung for mass burial.

The fridge with the length of about 10 feet and 80 inches in width, which was to initially take a number of 30 bodies now contains over 200 bodies with70 bodies estimated to be added every week. What is more shocking perhaps is the fact that the whole city  operates from this single fridge in keeping unknown bodies.

Blood flowing thick dark like pus oozing from a gigantic sore on the floors of the mortuary due to the low performance of the overloaded fridge. The stench, oh yes the stench, in and around the mortuary is very disgusting.

We point accusing fingers at the police to convey bodies which lie on our roads as a result of fatal injuries. But have we thought for a second how these bodies are being kept and buried?

I know you will blame me for killing your appetite with these unpleasant features, but what are we saying, sit down and watch things go bad?

Perhaps I will blame the taxi driver who fatally knocks down the street hawker and rushes him to the hospital, gives false information about himself and leaves the body for the police to take care of. Or my country man who brings a dead body with nails and hairs already cut for burial, and leaves the body for the police.

Have the police an acquired land where they bury these bodies?
The inadequate instruments kept me wondering about the implication of blood stained floor on the personnel and people who troop in and out of the morgue.

If a country like Ghana can only boast of a single fridge at the police headquarters in Accra for bodies for mass burial then we have a long journey ahead of us.

I will as a matter of urgency, call on the government to look at the situation at the police hospital mortuary and review the part of the constitution which required the living to respect the dead.

I believe the hospital needs more fridges to reduce the over loaded bodies and health implications generated as a result of the decomposition.

ambulance and a permanent site should be provided for the hospital to enhance the frequent disposal of the bodies.


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